摘要: 介绍了协调设计的指导思想和协调设计原则, 分析了协调设计的方法。指出协调设计方法主要适用于城市新建和改建的主次干道, 对于新建道路, 在断面设计上应考虑到远期流量增大的需要, 预留出拓宽车道的土地, 各类交通设施的设计与景观和环境相协调, 对于改建道路, 应消除道路上各种不协调的设计因素。Abstract: The coordinate design idea and regulation were introduced, the design method was ana-lyzed. It is pointed out that this design method can effectively improve Chinese urban traffic and environment. When building a new main line, the land along the road should be preserved enough, while the traffic volume increasing in future, the road can be widened, but the landscape will not be destroyed. When reconstructing an old line, the installations along the road, which have bad influence on landscape and environment, should be removed.
Key words:
- urban road /
- traffic environment /
- coordinate design /
- human-centered
表 1 人行道设计要求
Table 1. Limitation on walkway design
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