Dynamic Interaction of High Speed Maglev Train on Girders and Its Comparison With the Case in Ordinary High Speed Railwys
摘要: 研究了现有文献关于高速列车动力学方面的论述, 就高速磁浮列车对轨道的动力作用及其与轮轨高速铁路的比较展开讨论。得到的主要结论是: 地面高速轨道交通应以300 km/h左右的轮轨高速铁路为主体; 在需要400~ 600 km/h超高速的特定条件下, 也可以采用磁浮高速列车, 作为一种补充。因此, 一方面要积极修建上海浦东机场高速磁浮试验线, 一方面要尽早启动京沪轮轨高速铁路的建设。Abstract: Reviewing the achievements in vertical, lateral and longitudinal dynamics of high speed train, the dynamic interaction between the high speed maglev and girders has been studied.A comparison of it with the case in wheel/rail typed high speed trains was discussed in detail.The main conclusion obtained is that around 300 km/h wheel/rail trains should be the backbone of the ground high speed rail transit system.In the case that the extraordinary high speed, e.g.400~600 km/h, is required, then the maglev is feasible.The maglev serves as a kind of complement of the main high speed rail system.From this point of view, the high speed maglev Pudong Airport Transit Line in Shanghai is important and should be well constructed.But to construct Beijing Shanghai wheel/rail high speed railway is even more important, and should be put into action as soon as possible.
图 2 日本新干线列车和磁浮列车动态响应的比较[1]
图 3 磁浮列车和轮轨列车对桥墩动力作用的比较[2]
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