Analysis of the Random Vibration Responses Characteristics of the Vehicle-Track Coupling System
摘要: 基于车辆—轨道耦合动力学理论, 通过建立车辆—轨道垂横耦合模型, 利用时域数值积分法进行了耦合系统的随机响应分析。在此基础上, 采用周期图法估计出车辆—轨道垂向和横向随机响应功率谱密度PSD, 并进行了谱分析。最终得到了车辆—轨道耦合系统随机振动的基本规律Abstract: Based on the theory of vehicle track coupling dynamics, the vertical and lateral coupling model of the vehicle track system is set up.The random vibration responses are carried out through the numerical integration method, and the vertical and the lateral random responses PSD of the vehicle and the track are achieved by the period graph method.Finally the characteristics of the vehicle track system random responses are obtained.
Key words:
- vehicle /
- track /
- coupling model /
- random vibration
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