The Transportation Channel between Shannxi and Gansu and the Development of western Area in China
摘要: 从大西北经济的发展状况出发, 阐述了甘陕通道与大西北经济发展的关系, 论证了甘陕通道的功能、影响范围及作用, 探讨了甘陕通道的战略布局和建设思路, 分析了其发展建设的社会效益和经济效益, 并提出了相应的对策与措施。Abstract: According to the economy character of great northwest area in China, the relationship of economy development of great northwest with the transportation channel between Shaanxi and Gansu provinces is discussed. The transportation channels function, influence scope, tactic arrangement, society and economy benefit are analyzed. The countermeasures are put forward.
表 1 1996年甘陕通道占西北客货运量比重表
甘—陕通道合计 西北总计 所占比重 全社会客运量×104/人 12804 33520 38.20 全社会货运量×104/veh 19421 45816 42.39 全社会客运周转量×108/人·km 218.5 412.98 51.77 全社会货运周转量×108/t·km 540.6 960.9 56.27 -
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