Analysis of High-speed Railway Noise Influence and Forecast and Iayout Based on GIS
摘要: 在分析高速铁路噪声源分布特点的基础上, 建立了高速铁路对居民区影响的数学模型, 根据数学模型并在GIS平台Arc View上对其影响作了预测, 为铁路线路规划提供了科学依据, 在铁路勘测设计自动化环境影响因子的界定过程中具有一定的参考价值Abstract: Based on the analysis of noise fountain of high speed railway, a math model which shows the effect of the high speed railway on the residents is established, and then the effective figure is forcasted by utilizing the GIS and ArcView technique according the presented math model to provide a scientific method for the railway planning. This math model is very important in the process of automatic railway survey and design under the environmental elements.
Key words:
- high speed railway /
- noise fountain /
- forecast model /
表 1 铁路噪声的空间数据和属性数据
要素 空间数据 属性数据 区段 纵断面坡度及转折点坐标 行车速度、车行密度、单(复) 线、轨道结构、通过地区居民密集度 敏感点 敏感点的位置 敏感点的名称、受噪声的影响部位及造成的后果 噪声遮挡物 遮挡物两端点的位置与高度 遮挡物的宽度、遮挡物的缝隙度 居民区 多边形顶点的位置(三维) 楼层数、每层楼高度 预测点 位置、离地面高度、海拔高度对线声源视角 名称 -
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