Fractal Filtering and Its Application in Railway Signal
摘要: 电气化铁路的发展使列车接收到的铁路信号质量有所下降, 为了在强干扰的环境中可靠地解调出有用的铁路信号, 必须采用有效的滤波技术来抑制这些干扰。基于分形维数概念, 提出了一种新的模糊控制滤波方法, 该滤波方法可以根据信号的特征动态地调整模糊控制参数的取值, 对铁路移频信号仿真结果表明, 滤波效果良好, 对于复杂信号的滤波应用前景广阔Abstract: With the development of electrify railway, its quality is degraded that the train receives railway signal.In order to demodulating the valid signal in the strong distrubed envirment, a valid filtering technology is needed.A fuzzy control filtering method based on fractal dimension idea of fractal theory is put forward.Using this method the value of fuzzy control parameters could be adjusted dynamically according to the characters of the complicated signal.Simulation shows that not only a better filtering result is obtained, but bright prospects are anticipated.
Key words:
- fractal dimension /
- signal /
- fuzzy /
- filtering /
- railway signal
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