Discussion of the Policies Framework of Road Traffic Safety
摘要: 分析了当前中国所面临的道路交通安全的严峻形势和安全管理体制存在的弊端, 提出应建立道路交通安全保障体系, 构建安全政策框架, 在国家宏观管理的层面上统筹考虑和解决中国道路交通安全管理存在的问题, 以达到减少事故, 提高中国道路交通安全水平的目的Abstract: The serious road traffic safety situation and the shortcomings in the present management system of road traffic safety in China are analyzed. It is put forward that China should establish a safety guarantee system and construct a safety policies framework. It can think about and solve the ttraffic safety problems uniformly in the national macroscopic administrative level. Furthermore, the purpose of the reduction of the traffic accidents and the improvement of the overall traffic safety levels can come true.
Key words:
- road traffic /
- safety /
- policies
表 1 1978~1999年有关指标增长率
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