Numerical Analysis of Crosswind Stability of Magnetically Levitated Trains
摘要: 利用二维定常不可压缩Navier- Stokes方程、k-ε两方程紊流模型, 采用有限体积法分析计算了不同车轨结构的磁浮列车横风稳定性, 并与轮轨型列车的横风稳定性作了比较。数值分析结果表明, 在横向风的作用下, 轮轨型列车的横向稳定性优于磁浮列车, 而吸力型磁浮列车的横向稳定性又优于U型线路斥力型磁浮列车。Abstract: Using 2D, steady state, incompressible Navier Storkes equation and two equations k ε turbulent model, the crosswind stability of magnetically levitated trains in different structures between guideway and vehicles have been calculated by finite volume method. The crosswind stabilities of the wheel rail trains and the magnetically levitated trains are compared. Resultsobtained show that the crosswind stability of the wheel rail vehicle is better than that of the magnetic levitated vehicle, and the crosswind stability of the EMS maglev vehicle is better than that of the EDS maglev vehicle.
Key words:
- magnetically levitated train /
- stability /
- crosswind /
- numerical analysis
表 1 3种类型列车Cx、Cxy的计算值
模型类别 模型1 模型2 模型3 侧向力系数Cx 0.173107 0.165518 0.169099 侧翻力矩系数Cxy 0.284860 0.378436 0.612842 -
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