Effects on Dynamic Property of Reciprocating Machinery for Clearances in Pairs
摘要: 建立了含间隙往复机械的动力学模型, 并用数值方法对方程进行了求解。从数值结果可以看到连杆与曲柄之间的间隙和活塞与气缸间隙对动力性能的影响情况, 为进一步研究磨损造成的间隙在振动响应上的表现和提取磨损的故障特征奠定了基础Abstract: Dynamics responses of reciprocating machinery with clearances in pairs are investigated. The dynamics model is built of reciprocating engine considering clearnces in the pair between the crank and the linkage and between the piston and the cylinder. It is solved by applying numerical method. This work can be based for research of vibration response for clearances and the wearing fault feather in vibration.
Key words:
- wearing clearance /
- reciprocating machinery /
- vibration
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