The Geometric Modeling of Vehicle-track Coupling System Based on Object-oriented Method
摘要: 将可视化、三维建模等技术引入机车车辆轨道耦合动力学仿真中, 从系统工程的观点, 在机车车辆—轨道耦合动力学计算核心模块的基础上, 提出了基于面向对象的机车车辆—轨道耦合动力学的计算机仿真方法及相应的模型解释和标识机制, 成功地形成了一个以三维可视输入输出, 并与核心模块有机结合的机车车辆轨道动力学分析综合仿真平台。
- 车辆—轨道耦合动力学 /
- 计算机仿真 /
- 面向对象 /
- 三维模型
Abstract: The visualization and 3-D modeling are introduced to vehicle track coupling dynamics system.Based on the core of computing module of vehicle track coupling dynamics, object oriented design, a feasible method of system design is presented, and its model explanation and identification are given.As a result, an integrated simulation system that the core of computing module connects with the output and input of system is finally built.-
Key words:
- vehicle track coupling dynamics /
- computer simulation /
- object oriented /
- 3-D model
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