Manufacture of the Control System of Tilting Train Based on DSP
摘要: 摆式列车是专门为曲线过多的线路设计的新型列车, 在运行中需要实时地检测线路和列车状态参数并对它们进行实时处理, 同时基于高可靠性考虑, 其测控系统对处理速度和运算精度要求非常高。介绍了以通用数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processors, 简称DSP) 为核心, 实时对摆式列车进行测量与控制的测控系统。Abstract: The tilting train is a new type train specially designed for railroad with extensive curves.When the train runs, the measurement and control system can test the state parameters of the railroad and the train and make a response in real time. At the same time, the measurement and control system must be provided with high processing speed and high precision. A measurement and control system based on Digital Signal Processors (DSP) is introduced.
Key words:
- tilting train /
- digital signal processors /
- control and measurement system
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