Study of Truck Rear Bumper Crashworthiness
摘要: 货车尾部护栏缓撞性能的优劣直接影响到与其发生追尾碰撞的其它车辆损坏和乘员伤亡的严重程度。用三维动态非线性有限元方法模拟计算了护栏横梁的碰撞过程, 并进行了试验研究, 在此基础上进一步改善槽形截面横梁的缓撞性能, 在其碰撞表面加装了筒系吸能装置。计算和试验结果表明, 该装置能够明显降低与之碰撞的台车的减速度Abstract: When passenger cars crash into the rear end of heavy trucks, the degree of cars occupants' injury and cars damages depends on weather the crashworthiness of the truck rear bumpers are good or not.The dynamic three dimensional non linear finite element methods are adopted to simulate the impact of truck rear bumper for the investigation of its crashworthiness.And some impact tests are carried out.Based on this, tubes' system is installed on the impact surface of the bumper horizontal beam as an energy absorption device to improve the beam's impact performace. Simulation and test results of the improved bumper show that this device leads the deceleration of the moving barrier crashing into the bumper decreased obviously.
Key words:
- crashworthiness /
- energy absorption devices /
- truck rear bumper
表 1 道路交通事故类型构成[1]
事故类型 正面碰撞 侧面碰撞 追尾碰撞 相向刮擦 同向刮擦 碾压 翻车 坠车 撞固定物 失火 其他 事故次数 82653 109552 66154 13603 15854 6369 14191 2769 13118 242 21633 占总数比率 23.88% 31.65% 19.11% 3.93% 4.58% 1.84% 4.10% 0.80% 3.79% 0.07% 6.25% 表 2 材料参数
剪切模量/MPa 屈服应力/MPa 硬化模量/MPa 体积模量/MPa 比重/kg·m-3 79400 235 1040 156000 7800 表 3 计算与试验结果对比
参量 计算结果 试验结果 计算结果 试验结果 碰撞速度/m·s-1 5.58 5.58 7.15 7.15 最大位移/mm 100.5 91.7 119.0 120.8 到达零速度时间/ms 33 35 33 33 减速度脉宽/ms 38 46* 37 39* 平均减速度/m·s-2 163 153* 221 236* 碰撞刚度/kN·m-1 317.9 327.0 364.0 382.0 注: 表中有“*”的试验数据为电测量结果, 其余为高速摄影测量结果, 试验所得减速度为峰值减速度。 表 4 有无筒系吸能装置的效果对比
横梁结构 碰撞速度/m·s-1 最大变形/mm 峰值减速度/m·s-2 减速度脉宽/ms 无吸能装置 5.58 92 153 46 有吸能装置 5.56 —— 81 72 -
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