On the Design Theory and Method of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement(CRCP)
摘要: 连续配筋混凝土路面(CRCP) 是一种高性能混凝土路面结构型式, 对CRCP设计原理进行了系统研究。在荷载应力分析中, 将CRCP中纵向钢筋作连续化处理, 建立了正交各向异性薄膜单元, 对考虑裂缝条件下的CRCP荷载应力进行了三维有限元分析, 得到了CRCP的两种临界荷位和配筋率等参数对板底应力的影响规律, 并与普通混凝土板的荷载应力进行了对比。在温度应力分析中, 建立了考虑钢筋与混凝土间粘结滑移本构关系的CRCP温度应力计算模型与微分方程, 并求得CRCP在降温和干缩变形作用下的解答, 分析了参数的敏感性和混凝土徐变所引起的松弛应力效应。解析法和数值法相结合, 计算分析了CRCP端部锚固力与凸形锚固地梁的应力和位移, 给出了端墙部分设计参数的建议值及用于端部结构设计的计算诺谟图。同时进行室内模型试验, 验证了理论分析结果。最后给出了CRCP板厚与配筋设计及端部锚固结构的成套设计方法, 为中国制定相应规范提供了参考依据。Abstract: Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) is one of high performance concrete pavement structures. A systematic analysis on CRCP design principles is conducted. In the vehicle load stress analysis, the orthogonal anisotropic membrane model is established by treating the longitudinal bars as continuum, and three dimensional finite element analysis is carried out with considering transverse crack. Two critical load positions are found out. In thermal stress analysis, the calculation model and equilibrium differential equations are established on the basis of researching the bond slip constitutive relation between the reinforced bars and concrete. The analytic solution is derived to calculate the stress and displacement under the temperature drop and concrete shrinkage. The parameter's sensitivity and stress relaxation caused by concrete creep are analyzed. Using numerical methods and analytic methods, the anchor force at CRCP ends is calculated, and the displacement and stress of trech lugs are analyzed, the design parameters are recommended and the design nomograms are provided. The indoor model test is carried out to verify the theoretical values. The method for designing CRCP slab thickness, reinforcement and end structure is provided.
表 1 温缩应力的参数影响分析
产生正增量的参数 粘结刚度系数 配筋率 裂缝间距 混凝土线胀系数 板厚 混凝土模量 混凝土位移 减小 减小 增大 增大 增大 增大 裂缝宽度 减小 减小 增大 增大 增大 增大 混凝土应力 增大 增大 增大 增大 减小 增大 钢筋应力 增大 减小 增大 增大 增大 增大 粘结应力 增大 减小 增大 增大 增大 增大 表 2 设计参数对CRCP端墙位移应力影响
产生正增量的参数 端墙间距Lw 端墙高度Hw 端墙底宽bw 混凝土模量Ec 板厚hc 土基模量Es 端墙个数 端部位移 减小 略有增大 基本不变 略有减小 减小 减小 减小 路面最大应力 减小 与Lw有关 减小 略有增大 减小 减小 减小 端墙最大应力 减小 与Lw有关 基本不变 略有增大 增加 减小 减小 -
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