The Structure Analysis about Continuously Welded Rail in Special Railway Section
摘要: 无缝线路的稳定性对行车安全至关重要, 对于一些特殊地段的无缝线路, 必须对其强度和稳定性进行分析研究, 然后确定设计施工方案。南昌铁路局管辖的九江桥和泊水湖桥之间的一段线路, 由于其路基段线路长度不足《铁路线路设备大修规则》要求的30 0 m, 故需对此段路基上的无缝线路进行特殊设计。根据此段的线路结构, 提出了两个锁定轨温, 施工时对长轨条实施两次拉伸等一系列指施, 并提出对该段无缝线路养护的一些特殊要求, 使该段无缝线路的强度和稳定性能都能满足要求Abstract: The stability of the continuously welded rail (CWR) is very important for the railway operation, the strength and stability of the CWR in the special section of railway must be studied before designing and laying the CWR. The railway section between Jiujiang Bridge and Boshuihu Bridge administered by Nanchang Railway Administration, since the length of this railway section on the subgrade is less than 300 m desired by the maintenance codes, so the special design is needed for this CWR section. According to the CWR structure of this section, this paper puts forward two stress free temperatures, and two times to draw the long rail while the CWR laying. To ensure the need of stability and strength desired by the maintenance codes, some special maintenance measures are also put forward for this section CWR.
Key words:
- railway track /
- continuously welded rail /
- structure analysis
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