Railway Transportation Costing and Computer Costing System Design
摘要: 针对现有铁路成本计算方法的不完善之处和网运分离的设想, 提出了通过服务时间计算点到点成本的方法, 对现行成本计算方法进行补充, 并对参数的获取和修正方法进行了探讨, 同时对计算机系统的设计进行了分析和讨论, 其内容对其他运输方式也有一定的借鉴意义Abstract: The authors discuss the method of point to point railway transportation costing, put forward the idea that service time based costing can meet the good needs of the railway reform and transportation market economic system.The paper deals with also the design of the computer costing system.
Key words:
- railway /
- transportation /
- costing /
- service time /
- computer costing system
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