Influence Analysis of the Cylinder-by-cylinder Variations Upon the Performance of Diesel Engines
摘要: 利用飞轮处的瞬时转速信号来间接估计柴油机的各缸工作不均匀程度, 结合基于电磁阀的时间控制式电控燃油喷射系统, 实现了柴油机各缸工作不均匀程度的闭环反馈控制。在此基础上, 通过台架试验分析了各缸工作不均匀程度和发动机性能之间的关系。结果表明, 在发动机的大负荷工况下, 各缸工作不均匀程度对发动机的经济性和烟度排放影响显著, 从而验证了实现柴油机分缸均匀性实时检测和闭环控制的重要性。Abstract: The cylinder by cylinder variations are detected by using the momentary flywheel speed signal on a diesel engine.Combining a solenoid based electronically controlled fuel injection system the closed loop control of the variations is achieved.Then the relationship between the extent of variations and the engine performance is investigated on the engine test bench.The results indicate that the variations significantly influence the engine performance at heavy load condition.It verified the necessary of the no board detection and control of the variations on diesel engines.
Key words:
- cylinder by cylinder variation /
- momentary speed /
- closed loop control /
- diesel engines
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