Application of Neuro-net in Maintenace Decision for Ship Diesel Engine
摘要: 为了减少船舶柴油机维修决策过程中人为因素的影响, 从历史数据中学习专家经验知识, 提出一种新的决策模型——模糊神经网络。经过MATLAB仿真试验证明, 该模型可以较好地学习历史数据中蕴涵的规律。Abstract: In order to lessen the influence of man induced factors during marine diesel maintenance decision, and learn expert experience from history data, this paper puts forward a new decision model: Fuzzy Neural Network.With the MATLAB simulation test, it shows that this model can learn the law from the history data perfectly, and reach the conclusion accurately.
Key words:
- marine diesel /
- fuzzy neural network /
- maintenance decision /
- MATLAB simulation
表 1 船舶主机性能参数及技术标准
表 2 某轮油液监测参数及其技术标准
表 3 "海吉顺"主机性能参数值
表 4 "海吉顺"主机性能参数劣化度样本
表 5 主机模糊神经网络训练结果
表 6 主机模糊神经网络检验结果
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