Congestion Pricing Based on Vehicle Dynamic Navigation
摘要: 通过对传统拥挤定价理论局限性的分析, 结合车辆动态导航的最新研究成果, 提出基于车辆动态导航的拥挤定价新思路, 并据此设计出基于车辆动态导航技术的拥挤定价准则。该定价准则能真实地反映交通拥挤在空间上的分布, 充分考虑路径之间的相互替代性, 及时准确地体现路网交通的动态变化, 从而能很好地克服传统理论的弊端。Abstract: Through analysis of traditional theory for congestion pricing and with the consideration of the latest development in vehicle dynamic navigation, the paper puts forward a new idea about congestion pricing, and designs a rule for congestion pricing based on vehicle dynamic navigation.The rule for congestion pricing actually reflects space distribution of traffic congestion, fully considers the substitution of different routes and timely and accurately shows dynamic changes of road network traffic so that it can greatly get rid of the defects of traditional theory.At last, the paper analyzes the feasibility of congestion pricing based on vehicle dynamic navigation.
Key words:
- congestion pricing /
- congestion fees /
- vehicle dynamic navigation /
- Braess' paradox
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