Ergonomics of Intersection Traffic Signal Installation
摘要: 根据汽车驾驶员信息加工规律, 对公路交叉口交通标志的设置地点、空间位置、多个标志的同时并设和连续设置, 以及交叉口前置预告和过后确认标志进行了工效学分析, 为公路交叉口交通标志有效设置提供了理论指导。Abstract: Based on the rules of driver's signal process and with an eye to ergonomics, this paper analyzes intersection traffic sign's installation place, space position, several sign's abreast installation and successive installation, further discusses intersection advance notice sign, and provides a theory guide for effective intersection traffic sign installation.
Key words:
- intersection /
- driver's sign process /
- traffic sign installation
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