The Impact Analysis of Yangtz River Outlet Passage Construction on District Development
摘要: 从交通、经济和城市群发展三个方面分析了长江口越江通道对长江三角洲地区发展的影响, 指出了建设越江通道有利于优化长江三角洲综合交通运输网络, 推动区域经济均衡发展, 加速长江三角洲地区的城市化进程, 对长江三角洲城市群的空间布局也将产生一定的影响Abstract: This paper discusses the impact of Yangtz River Outlet Passage construction on district development of Yangtz River Delta through the analysis of its transportation, economic and metropolis framework impact. It is considered that Yangtz River Outlet Passage Construction will do good to the transportation network of Yangtz River Delta, impulse area economy. Further more, it will affect the spacial distributing of the city group in Yangtz River Delta.
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