Analysis of Long-term Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beams
摘要: 用平均收缩应变综合考虑收缩与徐变的影响, 从曲率k入手, 对钢筋混凝土截面的受力进行全过程分析, 导出M- k关系式, 从而根据钢筋混凝土截面刚度的变化推导出梁在不同受力阶段挠度计算公式。εsh和Ece为分析方法的两个主要控制参数Abstract: Considering the effect of shrinkage and creeping with the average shrinkage strain, and by aid of the curvature parameter k, this paper analyzes the mechanical characteristic of reinforced concrete section.Then a formula that can describe the relation of M and k is derived.According to the section stiffness of the RC beams, this paper gives the formulas to calculate the deflection of the beam at different stage.
Key words:
- reinforced concrete beam /
- shrinkage /
- creeping /
- curvature /
- long term deflection
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