Micro-model for Vehicle Behavior in Urban Intersection
摘要: 为了更详细有效地分析城市交叉口的交通运行状况, 需要建立细致的车辆微观行驶仿真模型。基于对交叉口范围的划分, 首先给出了交叉口进口道区域内, 信号控制交叉口的绿灯、红灯和黄灯情形、以及无信号交叉口情形下车辆的到达模型; 随后, 对有冲突交叉口和无冲突交叉口分别给出了相应的车辆驶离模型和穿越空挡模型。最后, 详细地分析了交叉口转弯车辆在出口道前沿区域的车道选择行为Abstract: In order to effectively analyze the traffic operation in urban intersection, the micro simulation model for the vehicle behavior is needed. According to the partition of the intersection area, the vehicle arrival model is presented. The departure model and conflict model are advanced under the condition of intersection with traffic conflicts or without traffic conflicts. The lane choice logic models in intersection are described in detail.
Key words:
- urban intersection /
- micro simulation /
- vehicle behavior model /
- traffic conflict
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