Overview of Impact Models in Accident Reconstruction
Abstract: The background and currents of traffic accident reconstruction in the world and popular impact models are presented in details. An outlook of the far reaching development is also put forward.
Key words:
- simulation and analysis /
- accident reconstruction /
- impact models
表 1 用碰撞模型估计的ΔV与RICSAC试验数据的比较
(foot/s) RICSAC碰撞试验 试验数据 力矩回弹模型 IMPAC模型 CRASH 汽车1 汽车2 汽车1 汽车2 汽车1 汽车2 汽车1 汽车2 1 18.49 22.84 15.11 22.65 16.73 24.96 27.13 40.63 3 13.94 23.17 14.13 22.41 11.9 18.62 4.55 7.19 9 31.93 12.06 28.5 13.12 21.62 9.94 28.01 12.91 10 52.05 19.09 45.79 22.37 29.48 14.41 32.85 15.99 -
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