摘要: 提高货车运行速度是全面增加铁路运输的运能和效率的有效方式。高速货车的关键技术是转向架和制动系统。介绍了国外高速货车转向架及制动系统的发展过程、基本结构和中国货车的基本现状, 提出了研制和开发中国高速货车的基本模式, 指出发展中国高速货车转向架和制动系统应突破现有货车的基本框架, 借鉴国外货车转向架及制动系统技术, 发展具有中国特色的高速货车Abstract: To increase the speed of freight train is an effective measure to raise the capacity and efficiency of railway transport. The key parts in a high speed freight car are bogie and braking system. In this paper, the development history, basic structure of high speed freight car bogie and braking system aboroad and general operating condition of freight car in China are described briefly. The mode of development of high speed freight car of China will be put forward. Also the paper points out that China should use the experience of developed countries for reference in development of the bogie and braking system for high speed freight car instead of the basic frame of present freight car, and develop the Chinese featured mode on high speed freight car.
Key words:
- high speed freight car /
- bogie /
- braking system /
- mode of development
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