Lateral stability behaviors of railway passenger car system with elasto-damper coupled wheelset
摘要: 首次将弹性阻尼耦合轮对应用到客车系统中, 并采用特征值法对该系统横向稳定性进行了分析。指出将弹性阻尼耦合轮对模型的扭转刚度和扭转阻尼分别取不同的值, 可与阻尼耦合轮对、扭转弹性轮对以及独立轮对模型统一。研究结果表明, 采用弹性阻尼耦合轮对模型, 选取适当的扭转阻尼和扭转刚度, 可以提高车辆蛇行临界速度。Abstract: In this paper, the Elasto Damper Coupled Wheelset (EDCW) model is introduced in the passenger car system whose lateral stability behaviors are analyzed by eigenvalue method. According to choose variable parameters, the EDCW model can become identical with damper coupling wheelset, torsionally flexible wheelset and independently rotating wheelset. The effective result indicates that proper coupler torsional stiffness value and coupler torsional damper value can improve the vehicle critical speed.
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