Architecture and key techniques of digital driving system within intelligent transport information network environment
摘要: 提出了智能交通信息网络环境下的数字驾驶的概念, 并通过分析车辆在行驶运动中的规律, 寻求出人、车、路系统中控制变量输入输出之间的逻辑关系。研究了智能化交通信息网络中人与车载设备之间的数字化系统模型, 论述了数字驾驶的原理, 进一步丰富了智能运输系统中的车辆安全驾驶理论和道路安全理论, 提高了车辆行驶的安全性Abstract: A new concept of digital driving system is proposed on basis of intelligent transport information network environment. The logic relations that control the input and output variable in human, vehicle and road environment system arte found out, after driving rules of the vehicle motion are analyzed. The digital driving model architecture based on intelligent transport information network environment is established, and the digital driving theory is introduced, so the digital driving theory and road safety driving theory are enriched, and vehicle driving safeties are enhanced.
Key words:
- digital vehicle /
- architecture of digital driving /
- key techniques
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