Integrated design of monitoring and controlling system for airfield lighting based on local network
摘要: 为了消除人工监控的各种弊端, 提高工作效率、可靠性和快速性, 实现机场助航灯光监控系统的国产化和现代化, 完成了一种基于专用局域网络的机场助航灯光综合监控系统的设计, 其中应用了多种先进的软、硬件和网络技术, 开发了友好的监控界面, 实现了信息实时广播和收发, 达到了网络实时监控、故障实时触发报警的目的。另外还使用了SQL Server7.0备存现场和操作数据, 使用了多种冗余设计和自检技术以满足该类系统对可靠性和维护性的特殊要求。在软件设计中, 对组成系统的灯光、电力和油机三个主要部分使用了分立设计的方案以确保各自运行的独立性, 既实现了集散控制, 又达到实时和可靠的要求。结合实际开发、调试和改进过程, 阐述了该系统的组成, 给出了软、硬件和界面的设计方案, 对相关的重要技术和一些实际问题进行扼要的论述Abstract: The airfield lighting monitoring and controlling system is developed in order to eliminate the deficiency of manually monitoring and controlling the airfield lighting, to improve the efficiency, the reliability and the rapidity of the system, and to realize nationalization and modernization of the airfield systems. Various technologies of hardware, software and network are used in ths system to realize sending and receiving in the network of the system in real time, to achieve the monitoring and control the airfield light and the status of the failure and the fire alarm timely, to backup the data and operational commands using the SQL server 7.0 database. A self checking technique is also utilized to fulfill the requirement of reliability and maintenances. In software design, three programs are developed for the lighting control, electric power monitoring, diesel engine monitoring and controlling separately. The three programs are running independently in same time. The paper also presents the composition method of the system, gives the design scheme of the software, hardware and man machine interface and some solutions of actual problems in the development and application from the programming experience by the authors.
Key words:
- local network /
- airfield lighting system /
- integrated monitoring and controlling /
- design
表 1 某机场单跑道所用调光器
Table 1. All CCRs in one runway of a airfield
序号 调光器名 序号 调光器名 序号 调光器名 序号 调光器名 1 西坡度灯 11 西进近1 21 跑中1 31 滑行道中线灯7/次 2 接地带1 12 西进近2 22 跑中2 32 东进近1/次 3 接地带2 13 旁线1 23 跑边1 33 东进近2/次 4 滑行道中线灯1 14 旁线2 24 跑边2 34 备机2/次 5 备机1 15 备机3 25 备机5 35 东标记牌/次 6 滑行道中线灯2 16 停止排1 26 东坡度灯/次 36 滑行道中线灯6/次 7 滑行道中线灯5 17 停止排2 27 跑道入口3/次 37 滑行道中线灯4/次 8 滑行道边灯1 18 跑道入口1 28 跑道入口4/次 38 滑行道中线灯3/次 9 西标记牌 19 跑道入口2 29 备机1/次 39 备机3/次 10 备机2 20 备机4 30 滑行道边灯2/次 40 闪光灯 -
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