Effect factors of asphalt mixtures fatigue properties by grey relation degree theory
摘要: 荷载条件、环境条件以及沥青混合料本身性质都会影响沥青混合料的疲劳性能。研究了荷载间歇时间、加载频率、试验温度、空隙率、沥青针入度、沥青用量六因素对沥青混合料疲劳性能的影响程度。首先将影响因素适当组合, 在MTS材料试验系统上进行了不同条件下的应力控制的疲劳试验; 然后, 运用灰关联的分析方法, 分析了各影响因素与沥青混合料疲劳寿命的关联程度; 最后, 讨论了各因素是如何影响沥青混合料的疲劳性能的。研究表明, 各因素对沥青混合料疲劳性能影响程度大小顺序为: 荷载间歇时间→试验温度→沥青针入度→加载频率→混合料空隙率→沥青用量。Abstract: Factors that influence asphalt mixtures fatigue properties contain load term, environment term and the material kind.This paper studied intermittent time, frequency, temperature, aggregates gradation, asphalt species, asphalt dosage, actually which factors or which a few factors were important, how each factor influenced asphalt mixtures fatigue properties.Firstly, factors were assembled properly.Under different condition, asphalt mixtures were experimented with the fatigue tests of control stress mode using MTS810.Secondly, relation degree between each factor and fatigue life was analyzed.According to the importance of each factor, the sequence (from important to unimportant) is intermittent time→temperature→asphalt penetration index→frequency→aggregates gradation→asphalt dosage.
Key words:
- asphalt mixes /
- fatigue properties /
- effect factors /
- grey relation degree
表 1 试验用沥青的技术性能
Table 1. The technology properties of used asphalt
表 2 试验沥青混合料的马歇尔试验结果
Table 2. The result of asphalt-mixtures Marshall testing
表 3 沥青混合料疲劳试验结果
Table 3. The result of asphalt-mixtures fatigue testing
表 4 试验结果的初值化
Table 4. The initial value of asphalt-mixtures fatigue testing-result
表 5 求差序列
Table 5. The difference value of asphalt-mixtures fatigue testing-result
表 6 各影响因素的灰关联系数
Table 6. The grey relation degree of factors
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