摘要: 利用水泥混凝土路面养护维修时产生的废料生产再生水泥混凝土, 不仅降低建设成本, 而且能减少环境污染。通过对再生水泥混凝土的疲劳性能试验研究, 结果表明再生水泥混凝土的疲劳规律与普通水泥混凝土相似, 而且在高应力水平状态下, 再生水泥混凝土的疲劳寿命较高。使用再生水泥混凝土修建的水泥混凝土路面, 完全能够满足混凝土面板的力学性能要求Abstract: Recycling cement concrete comes from scrap in maintaining destructive pavement.It can not only reduce cost, but also prevent circumstance pollution.This paper is to study the flexural fatigue performance of recycling cement concrete.The flexural fatigue performance was tested and analyzed throush a great deal of tests.The result indicated that the flexural fatigue performance of recycling cement concrete resembles that of Portland cement concrete.The fatigue life of recycling cement concrete was higher than that of Portland cement concrete under high stress condition.Pavement made from recycling cement concrete satisfies the mechanics of concrete pavement.
Key words:
- recycling cement concrete /
- flexural fatigue property /
- fatigue strength
表 1 再生水泥混凝土抗压强度、劈裂强度和抗折强度
Table 1. Compression strength, bending strength and cleavage strength of recycling cement concrete
时间/d 抗压强度/MPa 抗折强度/MPa 劈裂强度/MPa 7 41.1 — — 28 50.1 4.75 3.42 表 2 疲劳试验结果
Table 2. The results of fatigue test
应力水平S 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 疲劳寿命/次数 387 8160 24418 151795 974527 -
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