摘要: 针入度指数PI和当量软化点T800是中国评价沥青感温性的指标。选取四种常规沥青, 在两种试验条件下测量了五个温度的针入度, 回归了四种不同温度组合的PI值和T800, 讨论了影响PI值和T800的一些因素; 同时还将T800与软化点、美国SHRP的PG分级高温指标G*/sinδ进行了对比。最后对根据“八五”攻关建议的常规沥青分级标准所确定的四种沥青的高温等级进行了探讨Abstract: In China, penetration index PI and equivalent softening point T800 are utilized to evaluate the temperature susceptibility of asphalt. The penetration of four kinds of asphalt at five kinds of temperature is measured under two test conditions. PI and T800 in four combinations of five kinds of temperature are obtained through regression, and their influenced factors are discussed.Moreover, T800 and softening point are compared to G*/sinδ, high thermal index in PG gradation of SHRP. According to recommendation of asphalt grade criterion in the Eighth Five year National Plan, high thermal grade of four kinds of asphalt is analyzed.
Key words:
- asphalt /
- penetration index PI /
- equivalent softening pointT800
表 1 沥青样品
Table 1. Samples of asphalt
表 2 感温性参数计算结果
Table 2. Calculating results of temperature-susceptibility
表 3 预冷试验条件下感温参数对比
Table 3. Indices comparision of temperature-susceptibility of asphalt with pre-cooling
表 4 非预冷试验条件下感温参数对比
Table 4. Indices comparision of temperature-susceptibility of asphalt with non-cooling
表 5 沥青动态剪切试验数据表
Table 5. Dynamic shearing test data of asphalt
表 6 典型常规指标间的对比分析
Table 6. Classic routine indices comparision
表 7 四种试样的高温等级
Table 7. Grade of four kinds of asphalt at high temperature
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