摘要: 对弹性链型悬挂接触网以及对应的简单链型悬挂接触网分别建立有限元模型, 计算得出它们的固有频率及相应的振型, 分析了两种不同结构接触网的刚度特性。在此基础上, 建立接触网的振动方程, 并与受电弓的线性化模型一起, 建立受电弓/接触网系统垂向耦合动力学模型。最后, 通过动力学仿真计算, 对两种不同结构接触网对受电弓受流性能的影响进行了技术分析, 并得到结论: 简单链型悬挂接触网通过合理弛度设置, 能适应中国提速铁路运行的需要, 但2 5 0 km/h以上的高速铁路需采用弹性链型悬挂接触网Abstract: This paper discusses the finite models of the Germany elasticity stitched catenary and the corresponding simple stitched catenary, calculates the natural frequency and the modes and analyzes the characteristics of the rigidity of the two different structural catenary. And on the basis of that, the equation of the vibration of the catenary is set up and with the linear model of the pantograph, the vertical coupling dynamics model of the pantograph/catenary system is set up. At last, by the dynamical simulation calculating, the effect that the two different structural catenary have on the current collection performance of the pantograph is technologically analyzed and the conclusion is reached that, with the suitable sag, the simple stitched catenary suits the requirement of the civil raising velocity, but for the high speed railway of the speed over 250 km/h, the elasticity stitched catenary should be adopted.
Key words:
- pantograph/catenary /
- dynamics /
- sag /
- irregularity
表 1 接触网的固有频率
Table 1. The natural frequency of the catenary
Re250 DR-Y弹性链型接触网 模态阶次 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 频率/Hz 0.7589 0.7624 0.8993 1.0179 1.1084 1.4327 1.6049 1.7890 1.9862 2.1530 模态阶次 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 频率/Hz 2.3792 2.5808 2.7839 2.9882 3.1470 3.3806 3.5750 3.7587 3.9406 4.1016 Re250DR-O简单链型接触网 模态阶次 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 频率/Hz 0.9263 0.9470 0.9852 0.9876 1.0314 1.7891 1.8379 1.9011 1.9571 1.9786 模态阶次 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 频率/Hz 2.6663 2.7353 2.8344 2.9231 2.9614 3.4996 3.6065 3.7359 3.8610 3.9224 -
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