Analysis on wheel-rail lateral force of the bogie with independently rotating wheels for rear wheelsets
摘要: 从理论上分析了固定轮对转向架、独立车轮转向架和后轮对独立回转新型转向架通过曲线时的受力情况。围绕轮轨横向力这一重要曲线通过性能指标比较了三种转向架曲线通过性能的优劣, 通过比较发现后轮对独立回转新型转向架的曲线通过性能最好。然后建立了后轮对独立新型转向架车辆的动力学计算模型, 利用数值仿真结果对理论分析进行了验证, 发现理论分析和仿真结果基本上是吻合的Abstract: The affecting forces of bogies with traditional fixed wheelsets, independently rotating wheels and independently rotating wheels for rear wheelsets are analyzed theoretically.By comparing curving performance of three kinds of bogies based on wheel rail lateral force, it is found that the bogie of independently rotating wheels for rear wheelset is the best one.The dynamic calculating model of a vehicle with independently rotating wheels for rear wheelsets is established.The affecting forces of bogie are analyzed by numerical simulation methods.The results show that theoretical and simulation analyses are identical basically.
Key words:
- independently rotating wheels /
- bogie /
- wheel rail lateral force /
- simulation
表 1 车辆在不同半径曲线上的运行速度
Table 1. The speed of vehicle negotiating different radius curves
曲线半径/m 100 200 400 800 1400 2000 车辆运行速度/km·h-1 41.2 58.3 82.4 116.5 154.2 184.3 -
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