摘要: 随着发动机、传动系和轮胎等其它噪声的降低以及车速的不断提高, 高速车辆气流噪声变得越来越突出, 因此研究和降低气流噪声已成为控制高速车辆噪声的关键之一。通过求解广义Lighthill方程, 得到了适合车辆行驶工况的气流噪声积分计算公式。根据车辆的实际工况, 对气流噪声计算公式进行了分析, 明确了在车辆气流噪声中偶极子源噪声占主导地位, 表面脉动压力是车辆气流噪声的主要声源。在此基础上, 对车辆气流噪声某些特性进行了讨论和试验Abstract: The aerodynamic noise around vehicles at high speeds has become increasingly important and in more and more cases dominates the vehicle noise.It is attributable to the facts that the noises from engine, tire, power train and other noise sources have been signiflcantly reduced and the speeds of vehicles constantly increase in the past decades.It is crucial to carry out the study of aerodynamic noise and explore proper countermeasures for suppressing its contribution to the vehicle noise.In this paper, the integral formulations for the calculation of the aerodynamic noise around high speed vehicles is abstained through the solution of generalized Lighthill's equation.After the formulation is analyzed and suitably simplified according to work condition of vehicles, it becomes clear that their aerodynamic noise is dominated by dipole noise and the fluctuating pressure on outside surface of vehicle is main aerodynamic noise source. Some characteristics of aerodynamics noise around vehicles are discussed and tested.
Key words:
- vehicle /
- aerodynamic noise /
- calculation method
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