摘要: 论述了天然气质量流量计的基本工作原理, 设计了一套由热膜式质量流量传感器和以单片机为核心的智能化仪表组成的天然气质量流量计, 此流量计适用于压缩天然气汽车的燃料消耗测量和其它用途。Abstract: This paper discussed the fundamental principle of the natural gas mass flow meter, and a natural gas mass flow meter which is consist of hot film mass flow sensor and intelligent meter with a micro controller was designed, the meter can measure fuel consumption of CNG vehicles and others.
Key words:
- CNG vehicle /
- mass flow /
- intelligent flow meter /
- designing
表 1 天然气成分
Table 1. The composition of natural gas
/% 生产地 CH4 C3H6 C3H8 C4H10 CmHn H2 H2S CO2 N2 气田天然气(四川) 92.7 0.7 0.2 — — 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.7 油田天然气(四川) 88.59 6.06 2.02 1.54 0.06 0.07 — 0.2 1.46 大庆天然气 91.05 1.64 2.7 2.23 1.09 — — — — 陕北天然气 96.16 1.098 0.136 0.021 — 0.00 0.0002 2.546 0.001 表 2 天然气的理化性能与汽油比较(常温、常压下)
Table 2. Physics and chemistry behavior of natural gas and gasoline (normal temprature and pressure)
物质 比热/kJ· (kg·K)-1 分子量 密度/kg·m-3 低热值/MJ·kg-1 理论空燃比 自燃温度/℃ 辛烷值RON 质量比 体积比 天然气(CH4) 2.23 16.04 0.715 50.05 17.2 16.75 537 120 汽油(90#) 1.8~1.84 95~120 720~780 43.9 14.8 59.5 390~420 90 -
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