摘要: 道路通行能力分析与交通量适应性分析, 作为道路交通建设的一项基础性工作, 主要用于确定公路建设的合理规模及合理建设模式, 也是公路网规划、公路工程可行性研究、道路设计、公路建设后评估等的重要理论依据。介绍了国内外有关道路通行能力的研究现状, 提出了通行能力研究的攻关目标和需要解决的关键技术, 探讨了道路通行能力研究的发展方向, 并指出了目前中国道路通行能力研究存在的问题与不足。Abstract: Highway capacity and traffic volume compatibility analysis, as the basis of road traffic construction, is principally used in ascertaining suitable scale and mode of highway construction.It is also an important theoretical substratum for highway net planning, highway engineering feasibility research, road design and evaluation after highway construction.The current situation about highway capacity research in China and abroad is introduced and analyzed. The goal of capacity research and the key technology are put forward, and then the developing trend of capacity research is presented.Finally, the problems and insufficiency of highway capacity research in China at present are pointed out.
Key words:
- highway /
- capacity /
- current situation /
- developing trend
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