摘要: 提出了一种确定物流基础设施布局的方法及将物流园区与货运通道网结合起来进行统一规划的观点, 强调物流基础设施布局不仅要求总运输费用最小, 还应考虑经济、社会、环境等多个层面的因素。确定物流基础设施布局的主要内容包括: 确定物流园区的数量、提出物流园区与货运通道布局的各种备选方案、物流园区可达性分析、货运通道网连通性分析、采用数据包络分析法选择可行方案范围、用层次分析法确定最优方案。Abstract: How to plan the logistics infrastructure layout is presented. It is emphasized that the logistics parks and the freight thoroughfares should be integrated in planning and that not only economic factors, but also social factors and environmental factors should be considered. The main contents of the logistics infrastructure planning include determining the number of logistics parks, putting forward the candidate plans of logistics parks and freight thoroughfares layout, analyzing the accessibility of logistics parks, analyzing the connection attribute of freight thoroughfares, selecting the feasible collections of plans by using DEA, and selecting the optimized plan by using AHP.
Key words:
- logistics /
- infrastructure /
- DEA /
表 1 采用数据包络分析方法选择可行方案
Table 1. Selecting acceptable plans by using DEA method
指标 权系数 决策方案 方案1 方案2 方案3 … 成本指标 营运费用 v1 a11 a12 a13 … 建设费用 v2 a21 a22 a23 … 效益指标 园区可达性 u1 b11 b12 b13 … 网络连通性 u2 b21 b22 b23 … -
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