Method of equivalency transform for power spectrum density of track irregularity on central line from on left/right rail
摘要: 利用关于左、右轨的轨道不平顺与关于轨道中心线的轨道不平顺之关系, 借助周期图法谱估计和非线性最小二乘法的曲线拟合, 把左、右轨的轨道不平顺功率谱密度等效转换成关于轨道中心线的功率谱密度。最后结合实例, 给出了等效转换后的功率谱密度函数表达式的参数。Abstract: On the basis of the transform relation between railway track irregularity on the central line and railway track irregularity on the left/right rail derived from the power spectrum density in space domain, this paper puts forward a new method of equivalency transform for power spectrum density of railway track irregularity on central line from on left/right rail by means of the spectral estimation of cycle graphs and the algorithm of nonlinear least squares. According to the method, the parameters of the PSD function expression are given with an example.
Key words:
- irregularity /
- power spectrum density /
- railway track /
- central line /
- equivalency transform
表 1 中国干线轨道60 kg/m钢轨超长无缝线路功率谱拟合曲线参数(关于左、右轨)
Table 1. Parameters of PSD of continuous welded 60 kg/m rails in Chinese main lines (about left/right rail)
参数 A B C D E F G 左高低 0.1270 -2.1531 1.5503 4.9835 1.3891 -0.0327 0.0018 右高低 0.3326 -1.3757 0.5497 2.4907 0.4057 0.0858 -0.0014 左轨向 0.0627 -1.1840 0.6773 2.1237 -0.0847 0.0340 -0.0005 右轨向 0.1595 -1.3853 0.6671 2.3331 0.2561 0.0928 -0.0016 表 2 中国干线轨道60 kg/m钢轨超长无缝线路功率谱拟合曲线参数(关于轨道中心线)
Table 2. Parameters of PSD of continuous welded 60 kg/m rails in Chinese main lines (about central line)
参数 A B C D E F G 高低 0.07419 -0.70793 1.01944 20.94917 -3.28779 0.30976 -0.00584 水平 0.27445 -1.66577 0.75617 0.54762 3.23363 -0.03400 0.00241 方向 0.11518 -1.24190 0.51942 1.86614 0.31753 0.09882 -0.00251 轨距 0.21156 -1.51339 0.62687 -2.74090 3.53446 -0.05945 0.00518 -
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