摘要: 从研究摆式列车的控制方法入手, 讨论摆式列车的PID控制策略及其系统的组成。建立了带有闭环控制系统的摆式客车力学仿真模型, 并对控制系统的特性参数、滞后时间和控制系统失效等问题对摆式客车曲线通过性能的影响展开仿真分析, 以得出摆式客车安全性能指标的定量结果。Abstract: Proceeding from the control arithmetic of tilting train, the consist of control system and the PID arithmetic were discussed.The tilting coach system dynamics model with close loop control arithmetic is built.Using the model, the influence of the control system's parameters, the delay time and the invalidation of the control system for the dynamics behavior of tilting train are studied.The results for the security of tilting coach are obtained.
Key words:
- tilting control system /
- tilting train /
- dynamics performance /
- control strategy /
- simulation analysis
表 1 正常倾摆、不倾摆和反向倾摆对曲线通过性能的影响
Table 1. The influence of tilting, non-tilting and anti-tilting on the curving behavior
类型 Q/kN H/kN Q/P ΔP/P β/ (°) Wt/kN· (°) ayc/g 正常倾摆 29.1049 25.7769 0.4560 0.2361 0.0662 3.8422 0.0883 不倾摆 29.1752 25.8279 0.4504 0.2566 0.0659 3.8019 0.2284 反向倾摆 29.2409 25.8614 0.4449 0.2767 0.0658 3.7732 0.3677 -
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