Train running safety and comfort analysis of the cable-stayed bridge on Wuhu Yangtze-river bridge
摘要: 基于合理的列车走行安全性和舒适性评价指标, 针对芜湖长江大桥主跨180+312+180m斜拉桥, 采用空间杆系单元建立了桥梁的有限元模型, 分析了桥梁的空间自振特性, 运用文献[
1 ]提出的车桥耦合动力分析理论与方法, 计算了桥梁在实际运营列车荷载作用下的车桥动力响应, 对列车通过桥梁时的走行安全性与舒适性进行了详细分析。研究结果表明, 尽管该斜拉桥在设计荷载下(中—活载) 的挠跨比达1/587, 列车通过桥梁时的舒适性与安全性仍能满足要求。Abstract: The 3D free vibration properties of the cable stayed bridge on Wuhu Yangtze river bridge, which is of 180+312+180m span, are analyzed by space bar FEM model. The coupling vibration responses of vehicle bridge system under moving trains are calculated. Based on the reasonable assessment index, the train running safety and comfort of the bridge are analyzed in detail.Resultsshow that, though the ratio of deflection to span for bridge under design load is 1/587, the train can pass it safely and comfortably.-
Key words:
- Wuhu Yangtze river bridge /
- cable stayed bridge /
- running safety /
- running comfort
表 1 防止脱轨稳定性的评定标准(GB 5599-85)
Table 1. Evaluation standard for derailment (GB 5599-85)
表 2 脱轨系数Q/P的界限值(TB/T 2360-93)
Table 2. The criteria of derailment coefficient (TB/T 2360-93)
表 3 Sperling指标的评定标准
Table 3. Evaluation standard of sperling index
表 4 机车平稳性评定等级(TB/T 2360-93)
Table 4. Evaluation grade of locomotive running quality (TB/T 2360-93)
表 5 客车运行平稳性等级(GB 5599-85)
Table 5. Running quality grade of passenger train (GB 5599-85)
表 6 货车运行平稳性等级(GB 5599-85)
Table 6. Running quality grade of freight train (GB 5599-85)
表 7 芜湖长江大桥斜拉桥自振频率及振型特点
Table 7. Natural frequencies of the cable-stayed bridge
表 8 芜湖长江大桥斜拉桥在铁路活载下的车桥空间分析——车辆响应计算结果
Table 8. Vibration response of vehicles unde rmoving railway live load
表 9 芜湖长江大桥斜拉桥在铁路活载下的车桥空间分析——桥梁响应计算结果
Table 9. Vibration response of bridge unde rmoving railway live load
表 10 芜湖长江大桥斜拉桥在公路铁路活载下的车桥空间分析——车辆响应计算结果
Table 10. Vibration response of vehicles unde rmoving highway and railway live load
表 11 芜湖长江大桥斜拉桥在公路铁路活载下的车桥空间分析——桥梁响应计算结果
Table 11. Vibration response of bridge unde rmoving highway and railway live load
表 12 芜湖长江大桥列车走行安全性与舒适分析结果
Table 12. Running safety and riding comfort analysis result of the cable-stayed bridge
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