摘要: 根据中国现行的高速公路交通控制与管理运营模式存在的问题 , 以市场经济的要求为出发点 , 针对高速公路监控、通讯、收费等交通控制与管理系统技术密集、高度专业化的特点 , 提出了设计 (Design) -安装调试 (Installation) -运营管理 (Operations) 一体化经营模式 (简称 DIO模式 ) 。并给出了 DIO模式实施的一些基本原则。Abstract: The problem of the Chinese freeway traffic control and management were discussed.According to the characteristics of operation mode, in which the high technologies is utilized, a new operation mode that is the integration of design, installation and operation (DIO) was propeosed.The basic principle of carring out this mode was put forward.
Key words:
- freeway /
- traffic control and management /
- operation mode /
[1] 谭诗僬.高等级公路管理[M].北京:中国建筑工业出 版社, 1992. [2] 高速公路丛书编委会.高速公路运营管理[M].北京: 人民交通出版社, 1998. [3] Walter M, Dunn, Jr. Path to privatization[A]. Traffic Technology International'97[C]. Published by UK & International Press, 1997 -