摘要: 从城市的整体性、系统性出发, 在分析了与交通结构相关因素的基础上, 提出层次分析法结构模型, 再利用灰色关联度法进行交通结构的最终综合评价, 最后以西安城市为例进行了实例分析。Abstract: By the holistic and systemic character of urban, the factors that are correlated to traffic structure were analyzed, AHP model was put forward. And the traffic structure was evaluated comprehensively by the gray relationship method. As an example, Xi′an urban passenger traffic structure was given.
Key words:
- traffic structure /
- AHP /
- comprehensive evaluation
表 1 城市的布局结构形态及特点
Table 1. The urban structure's character
表 2 城市道路对交通结构的影响
Table 2. The influence of urban road on traffic structure
表 3 主要交通方式特性指标
Table 3. The index of basic traffic tools
表 4 对应各方案各类评价指标基础值
Table 4. The basis value of evaluation index
表 5 单项指标的评价结果
Table 5. The evaluating results of index D
表 6 准则层(中类)各项指标的评价结果
Table 6. The evaluating results of index C
表 7 子目标层(中类)各项指标的评价结果
Table 7. The evaluating results of index B
表 8 总目标层(大类)各项指标的评价结果
Table 8. The evaluating results of index A
表 9 调整后的交通结构组合
Table 9. Tab.9 The traffic structure of Xi′an city after adjusted
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