摘要: 回顾了国际海事组织(IMO) 成立以来的国际海上安全状况和控制途径, 揭示了“国际安全管理规则与港口国监督” (ISM规则+PSC) 模式的运作机制、实质和局限性, 提出用MMEM理论来完善该模式和实现技术与管理的有机结合; 强调置身于安全文化中, 对“技术、管理、观念”进行综合促进, 是持续改善海上安全的必由途径。Abstract: The paper reviews the international maritime safety and control methods since IMO's establishment and makes prediction on its future, it reveals the operation mechanism, the essence and the limitation of the "ISM Code + PSC" mode.It proposes to apply the MMEM theory to improve the mode and to realize effective integration of technology and management.It emphasizes safety culture and comprehensive construction of"technology+management+concept" are necessary for continuously improving maritime safety.
Key words:
- maritime safety /
- maritime loss /
- technology /
- management /
- ISM Code /
- MMEM theory /
- safety culture
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