摘要: 分析了废弃尾矿料的化学和物理性质及环境影响情况, 结果表明其用作(底) 基层材料和路基填料是安全可行的。利用正交试验方法, 提出石灰粉煤灰(简称“二灰”)、掺外加剂和水泥的二灰(综合) 稳定废弃尾矿料优选配合比, 分析混合料强度增长机理和影响因素, 并确定优选配合比混合料的路用技术参数。优选配合比将在连云港市旧路改造中作为1 km长的试验路基层材料, 以便进行现场试验验证和应用机理分析, 为其推广应用于路面(底) 基层提供技术上可行、经济上合理的优选配合比, 并提供工程施工可操作性和质量保证体系。Abstract: The analysis of WKL chemical and physical properties, and environment effects was carried out.The results show that it can be applied to the subbase and roadbed.By the orthogonal test method, this paper proposed the optimized mixing for WKL stabilized by use of the lime fly ash, mixture mixed into the lime fly ash and cement mixed into the lime fly ash, analyzed various factors that may influence strength of the mixture, and determines their technical parameters for road applications.In Lianyungang, the optimized mixing was applied to pave the base of 1 km test road so as to examine the practical test and analyze the application mechanism.This study can provide the feasible and rational optimized mixing for the popularization and application of this material to pavement subbase, and provide the system of feasibility and guarantee for engineering construction.
Key words:
- WKL /
- base /
- orthogonal test /
- optimized mixing /
- pavement behavior
表 1 废弃尾矿料的化学成分和物理力学性能指标
Table 1. Tab.1 The chemical composition and physics-mechanics index of WKL
成分 CaO/% MgO/% SiO2/% Al2O3/% Fe2O3/% Na2O/% K2O/% P2O5/% TiO2/% 尾矿料 26.44 14.71 14.16 1.84 3.06 0.20 0.69 1.90 0.22 指标 密度/g·cm-3 比表面积/m2·g-2 各粒径颗粒(μm) 组成占总质量的百分数/% 平均粒径/μm > 500 μm 500~250 μm 250~100 μm 100~75 μm 75~50 μm < 50 μm 尾矿料 2.89 52 0.6 7.7 56.6 11.1 16.6 7.4 133 注: 尾矿料的化学成分中36.78%为测定时煅烧分解出CO2及其它微量成分。 表 2 粉煤灰的化学成分和物理力学性能指标
Table 2. The chemical composition and physics-mechanics index of fly ash
成分 CaO/% SiO2/% Al2O3/% Fe2O3/% MgO/% TiO2/% Na2O/% K2O/% SO3/% 粉煤灰 3.60 53.52 34.26 3.10 0.92 0.97 0.71 0.97 0.45 指标 密度/g·cm-3 细度(45μm筛余) 含水量/% 需水量比/% 烧失量/% 90 d强度比 粉煤灰 2.04 28.8 0.09 91 0.35 合格 表 3 水泥的化学成分和物理力学性能指标
Table 3. The chemical composition and physics-mechanics index of cement
成分 SiO2/% Al2O3/% Fe2O3/% CaO/% MgO/% SO3/% Na2O/% K2O/% 细度 密度/g·cm-3 烧失量/% 水泥 20.70 5.98 5.52 64.30 2.64 2.23 0.11 0.09 9.60 2.96 1.43 表 4 二灰稳定尾矿料的配合比和试验结果
Table 4. The mixing and experimental results for WKL stabilized by the lime-fly ash
编号 L∶FA∶W 二灰掺量/% ω0/% ρdm/g·cm-3 7 d强度/MPa 28 d强度/MPa LF-41 2∶8∶15 40 15.0 1.57 0.69 1.98 LF-42 1∶3∶6 40 15.0 1.55 1.04 2.26 LF-43 3∶7∶15 40 15.0 1.54 0.88 2.23 LF-31 3∶12∶35 30 12.0 1.65 0.60 1.91 LF-32 3∶9∶28 30 11.5 1.64 0.72 2.09 LF-33 9∶21∶70 30 11.5 1.64 0.66 2.14 LF-21 1∶4∶20 20 10.0 1.75 0.56 1.87 LF-22 1∶3∶16 20 9.5 1.74 0.59 2.02 注: 表中L为石灰; FA为粉煤灰; W为尾矿料; ω0为最佳含水量; ρdm为最大干密度。 表 5 因素水平
Table 5. Factors and levels
水平 影响因素 二灰掺量/% 石灰与粉煤灰比例 外加剂种类 外加剂掺量/% 1 20 1∶4 Na2SO4 0.3 2 30 1∶3 Na2SO4+CaCl2 0.4 3 Na2SiO3 0.5 4 NaOH 0.3* 注: 表中打“*”表示拟水平。 表 6 掺入外加剂的L16 (42×22) 正交试验方案与极差分析
Table 6. The orthogonal test projects and difference analysis for WKL stabilized by use of the lime-fly ash mixed with mixtureL16 (42×22)
试验号 影响因素 A (外加剂种类) B (外加剂掺量) C (二灰掺量) D (L∶FA) 7 d强度/MPa 28 d强度/MPa 1 (LF-211) 1 (Na2SO4) 1 (0.3%) 1 (20%) 1 (1∶4) 0.77 2.26 2 (LF-212) 1 (Na2SO4) 2 (0.4%) 1 (20%) 1 (1∶4) 0.83 2.35 3 (LF-323) 1 (Na2SO4) 3 (0.5%) 2 (30%) 2 (1∶3) 1.11 2.97 4 (LF-321) 1 (Na2SO4) 4 (0.3%)* 2 (30%) 2 (1∶3) 0.82 2.62 5 (LF-220) 2 (Na2SO4+CaCl2) 1 (0.3%) 1 (20%) 2 (1∶3) 0.95 2.44 6 (LF-228) 2 (Na2SO4+CaCl2) 2 (0.4%) 1 (20%) 2 (1∶3) 1.01 2.55 7 (LF-319) 2 (Na2SO4+CaCl2) 3 (0.5%) 2 (30%) 1 (1∶4) 1.23 3.01 8 (LF-310) 2 (Na2SO4+CaCl2) 4 (0.3%)* 2 (30%) 1 (1∶4) 0.92 2.43 9 (LF-314) 3 (Na2SiO3) 1 (0.3%) 2 (30%) 1 (1∶4) 0.87 2.02 10 (LF-315) 3 (Na2SiO3) 2 (0.4%) 2 (30%) 1 (1∶4) 0.91 2.10 11 (LF-226) 3 (Na2SiO3) 1 (0.5%) 1 (20%) 2 (1∶3) 1.05 2.16 12 (LF-224) 3 (Na2SiO3) 4 (0.3%)* 1 (20%) 2 (1∶3) 0.71 1.89 13 (LF-327) 4 (NaOH) 1 (0.3%) 2 (30%) 2 (1∶3) 1.17 2.73 14 (LF-328) 4 (NaOH) 2 (0.4%) 2 (30%) 2 (1∶3) 1.20 2.71 15 (LF-219) 4 (NaOH) 3 (0.5%) 1 (20%) 1 (1∶4) 1.39 3.12 16 (LF-217) 4 (NaOH) 4 (0.3%)* 1 (20%) 1 (1∶4) 1.16 2.14 R1 3.56/11.30 7.40/18.63 7.90/19.01 8.11/19.52 R2 4.11/10.43 3.95/9.71 8.23/20.59 8.02/20.07 R3 3.54/8.17 4.78/11.26 R4 4.92/10.70 0.89/2.83 0.93/2.33 0.99/2.38 1.01/2.44 1.03/2.61 0.99/2.43 1.03/2.57 1.00/2.51 0.89/2.04 1.20/2.82 1.23/2.68 极差 0.34/0.79 0.27/0.49 0.04/0.19 0.01/0.07 注: 表中打“*”表示拟水平; Na2SO4和CaCl2两种外加剂以3∶1比例混合掺入。 表 7 掺入水泥的二灰综合稳定尾矿料试验结果
Table 7. The experimental results for WKL stabilized by the lime-fly ash mixed with cement
编号 L∶FA∶W 二灰掺量/% 水泥/% ω0/% ρdm/g·cm-3 7 d/MPa 28 d/MPa LFC-31 3∶12∶35 30 2 12.0 1.65 1.08 2.54 LFC-32 3∶9∶28 30 2 11.5 1.64 1.12 2.67 LFC-33 3∶12∶35 30 3 12.0 1.65 1.30 2.81 LFC-34 3∶9∶28 30 3 11.5 1.64 1.32 2.94 LFC-21 1∶4∶20 20 2 10.0 1.75 1.00 2.45 LFC-22 1∶3∶16 20 2 9.5 1.74 1.00 2.57 LFC-23 1∶4∶20 20 3 10.0 1.75 1.21 2.63 LFC-24 1∶3∶16 20 3 9.5 1.74 1.22 2.83 表 8 劈裂强度测试结果
Table 8. The experimental results of crack strength
/MPa 龄期/d LF-42 LFC-24 LF-321 LF-327 LF-221 LF-228 LF-227 90 0.52 0.60 0.55 0.52 0.35 0.56 0.54 180 0.71 0.77 0.63 0.62 0.50 0.40 0.59 表 9 回弹模量测试结果
Table 9. Tab.9 The experimental results of elastic modulus
/MPa 表 10 试验路施工方案和各项技术经济指标值
Table 10. The construction projects and each technical economical index of test road
项目 第一路段(LF-42) 第二路段(LF-221) 第三路段(LF-228) 第四路段(LF-227) 第五路段(LFC-24) L∶FA∶W 10∶30∶60 5∶15∶80 5∶15∶80 5∶15∶80 5∶15∶80 外加剂及掺量/% — Na2SO4 0.3 Na2SO4 0.3, CaCl2 0.1 NaOH 0.3 水泥3.0 最佳含水量/% 15.0 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 最大干密度/g·cm-3 1.55 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 7 d强度/MPa 1.04 0.80 1.01 1.11 1.22 1 km需W费用/元 13133.0 19 699.0 19 699.0 19 699.0 19 699.0 1 km需FA费用/元 65666.0 36940.0 36940.0 36940.0 36940.0 1 km需L费用/元 131316.0 73860.0 73860.0 73860.0 73860.0 1 km需外加剂量/t — 30.95 36.95/12.30 30.95 30.95 费用/元 — 73900.0 100960.0 73900.0 61900.0 合计费用/万元 21.01 20.44 23.15 20.44 19.24 注: (1) 压实度按98%, 则第一路段预定的干密度为1.52 g/cm3, 其余路段1.71 g/cm3; (2) 按每吨尾矿料运费用2元计算, 粉煤灰价格为20元/t, 石灰价格为120元/t, 工业纯化学试剂Na2SO4和NaOH价格均为2000元/t, CaCl2价格为2200元/t, 水泥价格为200元/t。 -
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