摘要: 为了解决高速客车轮轨磨耗严重的问题, 根据自导向径向转向架的基本原理, 在现有的几种自导向转向架结构的基础上, 提出了低磨耗高速客车转向架的基本方案, 建立了计算机动力学仿真模型, 利用Simpack仿真软件对其动力学性能进行分析和计算, 并与常规转向架进行了比较。理论分析和计算结果表明, 采用径向转向架可有效改善高速客车的曲线通过性能和轮轨磨耗状况Abstract: According to the fundamental principle of self steering bogie, the paper puts forward the basic scheme of low wear bogie for high speed passenger car on the basis of the existing several self steering bogies in order to solve the problem of wheel and rail wear of high speed passenger car.The dynamics model is established, the dynamics performance is analyzed and calculated by using Simpack simulation program and compared to that of ordinary bogie.The principle analysis and calculation results show that self steering bogie may improve negotiation performance and wheel and rail wear of high speed passenger car effectively.
Key words:
- high speed /
- low wear /
- dynamics /
- bogie /
- radial
表 1 转向架主要技术参数
Table 1. Tab.1 The main technology parameters of bogie
轨距/mm 1435 构造速度/km·h-1 220 轴重/103 kg 15.5 轴距/m 2.5 定距/m 18.0 二系垂向阻尼系数/kN·s·m-1 60 径向杆刚度/MN·m-1 10.0 一系纵向定位刚度/MN·m-1 3.0 一系横向定位刚度/MN·m-1 5.0 一系垂向定位刚度/MN·m-1 0.8 一系垂向阻尼系数/kN·s·m-1 20 二系横向阻尼系数/kN·s·m-1 25 抗蛇行减振器阻尼系数/kN·s·m-1 300 径向机构间隙/mm 0 表 2 车辆临界速度
Table 2. The critical speed of vehicle
/km·h-1 新轮轨 磨耗后轮轨(λ=0.3) 334 238 -
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