摘要: 随着提速的要求, 高速列车外形的流线化设计已经成为一种趋势。介绍了二次开发三维参数化曲面建模CAD系统的基本方法, 基于Auto CAD2 0 0 0平台, 利用Object ARX2 0 0 0和VC++6.0技术开发了集成CAD系统——LSurf CAD, 并介绍了系统的主要功能和界面。Abstract: At high speed, locomotive must be designed with streamline surface. The 3 D parametric surface modelling CAD system is the key technique for designing locomotive. Based on the platform of Auto CAD 2000, an integrate CAD system named LSurfCAD was developed with ObjectARX 2000 and VC ++ 6 0. The main function and interface of the system were described.
Key words:
- locomotive /
- 3 D parametric CAD /
- surface modelling
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