摘要: 研究第三方物流提供商利用区域物流信息平台整合社会物流资源的方式,将综合物流信息平台分为微观(企业)和宏观(区域)两个层次,着重从区域物流信息平台角度,分析研究工商企业、第三方物流企业和政府主管部门等不同主体,对区域物流信息的需求及社会物流资源整合要求,探讨第三方物流提供商利用区域物流信息平台的功能及其运行机制进行物流资源整合的方式,进而提出第三方物流提供商整合物流资源可利用的区域物流信息平台“剧场模型”。根据“剧场模型”,强调第三方物流提供商必须吸收“第四方物流”概念中的供应链方案设计、一体化管理和咨询能力,这样才能利用区域物流信息平台提高社会物流资源整合能力,最终实现第三方物流提供商整合社会物流资源的思路和实际运作模式。Abstract: The manner for third-part logistics provider to integrate social logistics resources was studied.Integrated logistics information system is divided into two tiers as micro(enterprise)and macro(region)to be built.The paper analyses logistics information needs and features for industrial and commerce enterprises, third-part logistics(TPL)providers and the departments of government based on regional logistics information platform and social logistics resource integration, discusses the functions and operation mechanism of regional logistics information platform, and puts up the theater model of regional logistics information platform.According to the theater model, it is important for TPL to build up the capacities of supply chain solution design, integration management and consultation from the concept of fourth-part logistics.Only by this way, TPL providers can use regional logistics information platform to improve the competence of integrating logistics resource, and last to implement the thoughts and ways to integrate logistics resource on society.
表 1 区域物流信息平台子系统及主要功能
Table 1. Sub-systems and main functions for regional logistics information platform
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