摘要: 近年来, 航空公司的经营状况持续低迷, 为解决这一现实问题, 从民用飞机维修成本入手, 提出了对民用飞机进行经济性评估的方法和策略, 介绍了用于民用飞机维修成本经济性评估的方法、步骤以及参数化建模的数学工具, 最后以发动机本体送修为例, 运用介绍的理论作了实例分析。实证表明, 对民用飞机的维修成本进行合理的评估, 对改善航空公司经营状况是非常必要和有益的Abstract: In recent years, the operation of airline companies was in difficulties. An economical evaluation for commercial aircraft to reduce its maintenance cost is very important. The evaluation method and its mathematical model were introduced and developed. As an example, the maintenance of aircaft engine was analyzed. The results show that the evaluation of maitenance cost is a key work.
Key words:
- commercial aircraft /
- economical analysis /
- maintenance cost /
- parameter modeling
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