摘要: 解决转向架曲线通过性能和横向稳定性之间的矛盾一直是车辆动力学长期研究的课题, 采用常规转向架无法同时满足二者的要求。径向转向架的出现有效地解决了这一矛盾, 其既能保证转向架曲线通过性能的要求, 又能改善其横向稳定性。简要介绍了国内外车辆径向转向架的发展及其应用概况, 并阐述了迫导向、自导向径向转向架的导向机理及其基本结构, 建立了迫导向转向架、自导向转向架和一系柔性定位转向架的统一横向动力学模型, 通过计算机仿真对一系柔性转向架和径向转向架的曲线通过性能和直线稳定性进行了分析和比较。动力学模拟计算表明, 应用径向转向架是降低曲线上轮轨磨耗和提高直线上稳定性的有效措施, 适合运用在摆式列车及曲线较多的既有线提速客车上Abstract: Solving the conflict between curving performance and hunting stability is always a hard work for a long time in the fields of vehicle system dynamics. Using the conventional bogies can not satisfy the both requests in the same time. The radial bogie, which not only meets the request of curving performance but also improves the hunting stability effectively, can solves the conflict. The application and development of radial bogies are briefly introduced, and the principles and structures of force-steering and self-steering radial bogies are expounded. An uniform lateral dynamic model including the force-steering, self-steering and flexible primary suspension bogie is established, and their dynamic characteristics are compared by computer simulation. The analytic results show that adopting radial bogies is an effective measure, which may reduce wheel/rail wear on curve and improve stability on straight. The radial bogie is adapted to the tilting train and the passenger car that is required to improve speed in existing lines of many curves.
Key words:
- radial bogie /
- development /
- dynamics /
- analysis
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