Additional longitudinal forces transmission between bridges and continuously welded rails with small resistance fasteners
摘要: 在铁路桥梁上铺设无缝线路, 为了降低梁跨结构和钢轨之间的相互作用力, 往往采用小阻力扣件。在有碴桥上无缝线路采用小阻力扣件, 在钢轨、轨枕及梁跨结构三者之间将产生较明显相对位移, 以往的计算模型没有考虑轨枕和钢轨相对位移的影响, 与有碴轨道小阻力扣件桥上无缝线路工况存在较大偏差。在吸收国内外研究成果的基础上, 建立了一种能综合考虑钢轨、轨枕、梁体三者相互作用的有碴轨道小阻力扣件桥上无缝线路附加力计算力学模型, 给出了算例, 对不同力学模型计算结果作了对比。计算结果表明, 新模型计算结果要小于既有模型, 对于柔性墩台结构, 差异尤其明显。不考虑轨枕位移, 该模型也适用于无碴轨道小阻力扣件桥上无缝线路附加力计算, 相比有碴桥, 小阻力扣件无碴桥上无缝线路附加力有较大幅度增加Abstract: To lay continuously welded rails on railway bridges, small resistance fasteners are used to be applied to reduce the mutual interaction forces between the rails and the bridges.To the ballast track, there are distinct relative displacement among the rail, sleeper and beam. However, the former mechanics model in this aspect didn't take the influence of the displacement of the sleeper into account. Thus, there are obvious discrepancy between the theory and the practice cases. A new mechanics model revealing additional longitudinal forces transmission between the continuously welded rails and the bridges, which takes the influence of the mutual relative displacement between the rail, sleeper and beam into account, is established. An example is presented and the results are compared. The results show that the calculated results of the new model are less than that of the formers, especially in the case of the flexible pier bridges. Without the consideration of the displacement of the sleeper, this model is also suited for the analysis of the additional longitudinal forces transmission between the rails and bridges of ballastless track with small resistance fasteners. The calculated results also show that compared to the ballast bridge, the ballastless bridges have a much stronger additional longitudinal forces transmission between the continuously welded rails and bridges.
表 1 不同力学模型计算结果比较表
Table 1. Results comprison of different force models
墩刚度/kN·(cm·线)-1 计算项目 伸缩 挠曲 制动 断轨 最大钢轨附加力/kN·轨-1 最大墩台附加力/kN·线-1 最大钢轨附加力/kN·轨-1 最大墩台附加力/kN·线-1 最大钢轨附加力/kN·轨-1 最大墩台附加力/kN·线-1 最大墩台附加力/kN·线-1 断缝/cm 刚性 仅考虑扣件阻力(变量) 125.364 222.9 135.654 256.590 36.919 343.059 436.032 6.953 同时考虑扣件和道床阻力 106.313 169.826 104.967 197.623 46.037 342.506 436.032 6.963 “暂规” 112.496 177.711 100.934 210.228 / / 436.032 6.880 墩1000 仅考虑扣件阻力(变量) 112.713 231.224 79.885 98.863 141.658 333.074 436.032 7.185 同时考虑扣件和道床阻力 92.147 177.749 60.578 87.235 135.628 359.857 436.032 7.191 “暂规” 108.539 185.027 81.935 103.397 / / 436.032 6.88 500 仅考虑扣件阻力(变量) 111.057 235.458 86.517 63.234 199.434 428.957 436.032 7.406 同时考虑扣件和道床阻力 84.937 182.558 52.943 58.780 190.17 407.023 436.032 7.412 “暂规” 106.256 189.129 70.502 71.073 / / 436.032 6.88 仅考虑扣件阻力(变量) 108.201 242.559 91.727 30.468 304.529 436.032 436.032 8.063 同时考虑扣件和道床阻力 74.045 189.743 54.252 29.880 295.745 436.032 436.032 8.071 “暂规” 102.195 196.211 65.448 36.570 / / 436.032 6.880 -
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