摘要: 实时动态显示技术是实现道路三维可视化设计的关键, 应用Delaunay三角化算法构建数字地面模型, 基于分割-归并思想完成道路三维实体造型, 在此基础上, 提出并实现了有效的道路三维模型的视相关简化算法, 并结合真实感图形绘制技术开发了道路三维场景的实时动态浏览平台, 将该平台与路线CAD系统集成, 实现了道路设计过程和设计成果的可视化Abstract: The technology of real-time dynamic display is the key technology to realize road 3D visual design. This paper applied the creating algorithm of Delaunay triangulation to constructing digital terrain model and accomplished 3D modeling of road entities according to the ideal of divide and conquer. An effective view-dependent simplification algorithm for road 3D model was worked out. Benefit from the algorithm being combined with the technology of showing realistic image, the real-time dynamic browsing platform of road 3D scene was explored. The 3D browser was integrated with the system of road CAD, which realized the visualizations of both design course and design fruits.
Key words:
- D visual design /
- road design /
- real-time display /
- 3D modeling /
- simplification of model /
- level of detail
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